Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Graciela Más (La monja) in the theatrical production, La estrella y la monja (chc5064000033)
digitalobject Magaly Alabau (La estrella) and Graciela Más (La monja) in the theatrical production, La estrella y la monja (chc5064000032)
digitalobject Magaly Alabau (La estrella) in the theatrical production, La estrella y la monja (chc5064000031)
digitalobject Graciela Más (La monja) and Magaly Alabau (La estrella) in the theatrical production, La estrella y la monja (chc5064000030)
digitalobject Program for the theatrical production, La estrella y la monja (chc5064000029)
production La estrella y la monja (Theatre at Saint Clements, February 5, 1973)
production Revoltillo (Gramercy Arts Theater, November 5, 1987)
production Revoltillo (Gramercy Arts Theater, September 8, 1998)
production The White Whore and the Bit Player (Theatre at Saint Clements, February 2, 1973)
writtenwork La estrella y la monja (Translation)
writtenwork The White Whore and the Bit Player (Play script)
creator Monge Rafuls, Pedro, November 13, 1943- (61)

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