Final de partida
Directing team: +
Name | Function(s) |
Matteo Bonfitto | Director |
Yoshi Oida | Director |
Cast: +
Name | Role(s) |
Matteo Bonfitto | Actor / actress |
Milton De Andrade | Actor / actress |
Suia Legaspe | Actor / actress |
Rodrigo Pocidonio | Actor / actress |
Design team: +
Name | Function(s) |
Helen Telumi | Costume designer, Stage designer |
Technical team: +
Name | Function(s) |
Camila Jordao | Light operator |
Production team: +
Name | Function(s) |
Edinho Rodrigues | Director of production |
Bibliography: +
Notes: +
The program for the production, "Final de partida", is in Spanish; click "Español" in the upper right hand side of the page.
Author: Valeria Ruzina (Spring 2020)