Program for the Theatrical Production, El velorio de Pachencho
Autographed program for the production, "El cuarto lleno de rosas"
Autographed program for the production, "El cuarto lleno de rosas"
Autographed program for the production, "Marea de otoño"
Copy of the program for the production, "Calígula" (Havana, 1955)
La palangana/ La tinaja
No, por favor
Photograph of the production, "Hacia las estrellas" (Havana, 1946)
Playbill for the theatrical production, La rosa tatuada
Poster del Festival Casandra Playing in Miami March 1st - 10
Poster for theater festival, Open Arts Fest Miami 2020
Poster for the theatrical production, Las penas que no me matan
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