Document of a TV Show, Ivan Acosta
Doris Gutiérrez about the production, "Los soles truncos"
Francisco (Pancho) García - Curriculum Vitae
Interview with Miguel Sánchez León on the production, "Las criadas"
Objectives for the East Coast-West Coast Teatro Brigade
Photograph of the theoretic foundation made by Doris Gutiérrez for the production, “El tio Vania”
Program for the theatrical production, El efecto de los rayos gama sobre las caléndulas
Recognitions to Ivan Acosta
Synopsis of the play, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the Moon Marigolds
Theatrical review by Basilio Gassent of the theatrical production, El efecto de los rayos gamma sobre las margaritas
Theatrical review of the production, El efecto de los rayos gamma sobre las caléndulas
Tribute to Evelio Taillacq