Alfredo Armas Digital Collection
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This collection consists of theater programs and digital photographs donated by this artist. Metadata was created by Alberto Sarraín. The digital collectio was revised and published by Lillian Manzor (2018).
Photographs of a rehearsal, Aleluya erótica de Don Perlimplín (Miami, 2018)
Photographs of the theatrical production, La profesión de la Sra. Warren (Miami, 2015)
Photographs of the theatrical production, La profesión de la Sra. Warren (Miami, 2015)
Photographs of the theatrical production, La profesión de la Sra. Warren (Miami, 2015)
Photographs of the theatrical production, Viejas, vírgenes y putas (Miami, 2015)
Photographs of the theatrical production, Viejas, vírgenes y putas (Miami, 2015)
Posters for the theatrical production, La profesión de la Sra. Warren (Miami, 2015)