Jorge Noa and Pedro Balmaseda Collection
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This digital collection consists of photographs, programs, and stage and costume designs created or collected by these two Cuban born and Miami based designers.
Copyright: Creative Commons: Attribution, Non-commercial, No derivatives 3.0.
Dainerys Machado Vento, "Virgilio Piñera"
Photograph of Jorge Noa and Pedro Balmaseda
Photograph of Princess Innana's costume for the theatrical production, Gilgamesh
Poster for the exhibit, "Viaje al centro de la escena"
Program for the production, "Dos viejos pánicos"
Scenic design for the production, "Guys and Dolls"
Stage design for the production, "El Malentendido"
"Viaje al centro de la escena." Exhibit opens July 9, Koubek Center