Cuban Theater Digital Archive

Miguel Ponce

Director, actor, assistant light designer

A graduate of the University of Havana's Department of Drama, he worked with Teatro Universitario de La Habana. In 1961, he founded Teatro de Camagüey, an amateur theater group that received the First Prize in the First Amateur Drama Festival. In 1962, he founded Teatro de La Habana. Between 1962 and 1965, he trained many actors and actresses who eventually went on to create many theatre groups in Cuba.

In 1966, he moved to Miami and created Teatro 66, the first Latino theatre in Miami. In 1969, he moved to New York where he directed the first bilingual theatre group, New York Theater of the Americas (1969-1972). He produced more than 30 plays with both English and Spanish-speaking professionals and amateurs.

He moved to Venezuela where he created Teatro de Repertorio del Ateneo de Caracas (1973-1998) and taught drama at the Instituto Universitario de Teatro. He also worked in Colombia teaching drama(1999-2004). Throughout his career, he has trained with directors such as Vicente Revuelta (Teatro Estudio, 1959), Eubenio Barba (Odin Teatret, 1976), Manfred Tenscher (Berliner Ensemble 1978), Peter Brook (Centro de Creación Teatral 1978), Lee Strasberg (Actors Studio 1979), and Jerzy Grotowski (Teatro Laboratorio 1980). Since 2004, he has been a teacher and acting coach in Madrid.

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Author: Lillian Manzor (2005, 2017)

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