Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Martha Luisa Hernández (Martica MInipunto) in the café-teatro, "La última cena" (cta0034000405)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Café teatro La Siempreviva" (cta0034000395)
digitalobject Photograph of the performance, "Enriqueta al debate intelectual" (cta0034000385)
digitalobject Flyer for the café-teatro, "La última cena" (cta0034000384)
digitalobject Photograph of the performance, "Islas flotantes" (cta0034000369)
digitalobject Lorelis Amores in the performance, "Iré a Santiago" (cta0034000345)
digitalobject Mariela Brito, Lorelis Amores in the performance, "La lista de Schindler" (cta0034000331)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "Café teatro La Siempreviva" (cta0034000315)
digitalobject Photograph of the performance, "Hasta aquí Felina" (cta0034000207)
digitalobject Photograph of the performance, "Humo en las altas torres" (cta0034000183)
digitalobject Eduardo Martínez in the performance, "Escachalataescachalataescacha" (cta0034000142)
digitalobject Eduardo Martínez in the performance, "Escachalataescachalataescacha" (cta0034000132)
digitalobject Out in The Tropic: "Cubalandia" and "Post Plastica" (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000186)
digitalobject Cubalandia (cta0009000141)
digitalobject Program for the performance "Así quiero. La familia como teatro" (chc5297000005)
digitalobject Photograph of Osvaldo Pradere (chc5136000008)
production Café-teatro La Siempreviva I (Instituto Superior del Arte, 1998)
production Café teatro La Siempreviva II (Instituto Superior del Arte, April 2004)
production Enriqueta al debate intelectual (Instituto Superior del Arte, February 23, 2007)
production Escachalataeschachalataescach... (La Habana )
production Escrito sobre la piel (Casa del Benemérito de las Américas Benito Juárez, July 2007)
production Humo en las altas torres (Instituto Superior del Arte, October 25, 2006)
production Iré a Santiago (La Habana )
production Islas flotantes (La Habana , 2011)
production La lista de Schindler (Centro Teórico-Cultural Criterios)
production La última cena (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, February 14, 2014)
production La última cena (La Capilla de El Ciervo Encantado, December 6, 2013)
production Lectura de Ilusión en Open Score (Centro Hispano-Americano de Cultura, May 2012)
writtenwork Departures (Performance art)
writtenwork La última cena (Performance art)

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