Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Huevos (La Habana) (cta0067000085)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, "Huevos" (cta0038000002)
digitalobject Photographs of staged reading, La ventana de los Chéveres (cta0037000094)
digitalobject Program for the staged reading, La ventana de los Chéveres (cta0037000093)
digitalobject Photographs of the first reading for the theatrical production, Huevos (cta0033000195)
digitalobject Huevos (Miami, 2013) (cta0009000170)
digitalobject Poster for the theatrical production, "Huevos" (chc5131000101)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Huevos (chc5131000100)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Huevos (chc5131000073)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, Huevos (chc5131000072)
digitalobject Advertising postcard for the theatrical production, "Huevos" (chc5131000050)
digitalobject Poster for the theatrical production, "Huevos" (chc5131000030)
production Huevos (Sala Argos Teatro, August 2005)
production Huevos (Sala Teatro Papalote, February 28, 2013)
production Huevos (Akuara Teatro - Sala Avellaneda, November 16, 2013)
production Huevos (Sala Teatro Adolfo Llauradó, March 11, 2009)
production La ventana de los chéveres (Baruch College, May 30, 2013)
writtenwork El que faltaba (Play script)
writtenwork Huevos (Play script)
writtenwork Juego con muñecas (Play script)
writtenwork La ventana de los chéveres (Play script)
creator Bello, Roberto (8742)

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