Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Catalogue for the 3er Festival del Monólogo Latinoamericano (cta0067000026)
digitalobject Postcard, Teatro Tomás Terry (cta0067000024)
digitalobject Postcard for the theatrical production, Hojas de papel volando (cta0067000019)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000056)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000055)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000054)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000053)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000052)
digitalobject Photograph of a street production, Velas Teatro (cta0065000051)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000050)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000049)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000048)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000047)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000046)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000045)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000044)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000043)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000042)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000041)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000040)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000039)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000038)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000037)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000036)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000035)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000034)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000033)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000032)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000031)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000030)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000029)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000028)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000027)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading" (cta0065000026)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000025)
digitalobject Poster for the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000024)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000023)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000022)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000021)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000020)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000019)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000018)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000017)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000016)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000015)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000014)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000013)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000012)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000011)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000010)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000009)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000008)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000007)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000006)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000005)
digitalobject Photograph of Adnaloy Pérez (Lila) and Javier Fernández Jaure (Felo) in the production, "La noche del Pez Luna" (cta0065000004)
digitalobject Poster Velas Teatro (cta0065000003)
digitalobject Photograph of the production, "El Dulce Amargo de Las Vaginas" (cta0065000002)
digitalobject Logo for Velas Teatro (cta0065000001)
production El dulce amargo de las Vaginas (Sala Teatro a Cuestas, April 2007)
production La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading (Teatro Tomás Terry, June 2007)
production La noche del Pez Luna (Sala Teatro a Cuestas, 2008)
production Montañeses (Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, October 5, 2018)
writtenwork El dulce amargo de las Vaginas (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork El otoño del cerdo Antonio (Play script)
writtenwork La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading (Adaptation / Version)
writtenwork La noche del Pez Luna (Play script)
writtenwork Shakespeare en confesión (Play script)
creator Fernández Jaure, Javier, December 25, 1966-June 30, 2012 (806)
creator Molian Medina, Atney (9847)
creator Pérez Aramillo, Adnaloy (9845)
creator Velas Teatro, March 6, 2007- (9844)
creator Villalvilla Pujol, Francisco (9848)

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