Cuban Theater Digital Archive


Type Title
digitalobject Photograph of Carlos Pous in blackface (cta0029000533)
digitalobject Photograph of Norma Zúñiga and actor in blackface (cta0029000489)
digitalobject Photograph of Norma Zúñiga and Néstor Cabell in blackface (cta0029000488)
digitalobject Photograph of the theatrical production, Maria la O, with actors in blackface (cta0029000487)
digitalobject Néstor Cabell in blackface and actors in Cuban vernacular show (cta0029000026)
digitalobject Photograph of the theatrical production, Los negros catedráticos (chc5131000137)
digitalobject Photographs of the theatrical production, "Tres viudas en un crucero" with actress in blackface (chc0070000002)
production Tres viudas en un crucero (Teatro Trail, February 1, 2018)

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